卡爾維諾在 Six Memos for the Next Millennium 開篇講到「輕」(lightness)。多年前讀到此處,正想懷疑為何他只說輕的價值,難道在文學上,「輕快」就一定比「沉重」好嗎?然而聰明無比的卡爾維諾,早已洞悉讀者的心態,在第一段就輕輕鬆鬆地化解我的疑惑了:
I will devote my first lecture to the opposition between lightness and weight, and will uphold the values of lightness. This does not mean that I consider the virtues of weight any less compelling, but simply that I have more to say about lightness.
短短一句 "but simply that I have more to say about lightness" ,根本不成理由的理由,就塞住了我們的質疑。然而這個理由卻無比有效,更勝於長篇大論去比較「輕」與「重」的價值。更妙的是,這個段落本身正已經悄悄示範了「輕」的妙處,無聲勝有聲。